The Future of Electric Rides

With over four years and 500 million rides of the shared e-scooter economy, what does that volume of e-rides tell us about the future of electric micro-mobility?

First off, the electric rides industry is expected to continue its amazing growth over at least the next 5 years. Flexible and environmentally responsible solutions to fossil fuel-based car congestion and urban pollution were in high demand even before the global spread of the coronavirus in 2020 and as the team at Electric Rides HQ discovered in 2020, electric rides of all kinds are proving themselves to be both an urban and suburban necessity and consequently are in huge demand. 

We also predict that the relationships between towns, cities and electric scooter companies will strengthen and become more cooperative as scooters transition from more of a recreational ride to an essential means of transport across the urban transportation landscape. This will include substantial, data-driven improvements and product enhancements in protected mobility infrastructure for scooter riders as well as cyclists.

Electric scooters, Electric rides of the future

Second, we predict that electric scooter technology will continue to have positive developments in both safety and sustainability metrics. This will apply as much to the design and performance of the electric vehicles themselves, as it does to the daily management operations of end-users and local government policy makers. Longer lifespan, improved battery performance, increased durability and enhanced diagnostics and safety statistics will be the benchmarks by which these advancements will be measured.

We anticipate that as the data from hundreds of millions of annual electric scooter rides will continue to accumulate and our understanding of urban and suburban mobility needs will become much clearer and more pragmatic. Local government planning decisions will be made based on cycle lane, street and time-specific transportation needs, helping identify potentially dangerous zones and bottlenecks, enabling decision-makers to make relatively affordable and high-impact decisions and actions to address them.

Razor EscoSmart Metro HD commuter scooter

In sum, as current electric micro-mobility trends are likely to continue into the rest of the 2020's, we predict that the time it will take to add another half-billion shared e-scooter rides to the global total will rapidly decrease from four years to perhaps less than twelve months.  The team at Electric Rides HQ is ready to be an integral part of this electric revolution and we are excited to guide and empower our business and consumer customers into the future of electric mobility for 2021 and beyond!